San Antonio Museum of Art Case Study
Situation: The San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) is renowned for the most comprehensive ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian art collection in the southern United States. However, SAMA was not attracting new members.
Strategy: A user generated campaign "See You At SAMA" was developed to attract a younger audience and humanize the SAMA brand.
To aid in ticket sales and raise awareness, an initial a campaign with multiple digital and public relations tactics was developed.
Impact: The success of the campaign was measured by the following:
17 secured promoted social posts with prominent San Antonio outlets
10 secured hits with community outreach to the following groups –
• colleges/universities
• local artists/organizations/groups
• nearby apartment complexes
• local corporations
2,391,869 impressions
• 213,136 paid social posts
• 32,196 followers through community outreach
• 2,146,537 through digital advertising
Website traffic increase back to pre-covid numbers
Increased social followers month to month
• 291 on Facebook
• 1,257 on Instagram